For over 20 years, Hoos IT-Solutions have been supporting their customers as an IT consulting and training company providing tailor-made solutions.

Our mode of operation is based on trust, pragmatism, openness, and appreciation. The ultimate goal of our actions is customer satisfaction.

The development of perfect solutions comes as a result of the precise analysis of the real needs and tasks, thus guaranteeing high-quality processes in the provision of services. Our strengths are quickly understanding and realizing our clients’ individual wishes, as well as translating these needs in line with requirements and efficiently transforming them into user-friendly solutions.

Satisfied customer enterprises of varying sizes and structures in 26 EMEA countries reinforce our philosophy of defining ourselves towards our customers as an honest and competent consultant, an efficient service provider, and a loyal partner.

Our structures mean that even for complex tasks, we are able to respond quickly and purposefully, flexibly and sustainably to individual customer needs.

Our fee structure is performance-related, transparent, and fair. It goes without saying that our initial consultation is always free of charge.

In order that we are also able to live up to future tasks and market changes, we are constantly developing ourselves and our company. The key to this is continuous training and the constant integration of current information technology insights into our working.

As a rule, we obtain hardware and software directly from the manufacturer or from our partners, and therefore guarantee excellent terms for our customers.

Company profile

Here you have the possibility to download our company profile. The best way to get a quick overview of all our services. This information we offer in German and English.

Company Profile – German

Company Profile – English


Team- /Projectassistant (m/f)

Full- or part-time on a permanent basis.


Limitation of liability for internal content
The content of our website has been compiled with meticulous care and to the best of our knowledge. However, we cannot assume any liability for the up-to-dateness, completeness or accuracy of any of the pages.
Pursuant to section 7, para. 1 of the TMG (Telemediengesetz –  Tele Media Act by German law), we as service providers are liable for our own content on these pages in accordance with general laws. However, pursuant to sections 8 to 10 of the TMG, we as service providers are not under obligation to monitor external information provided or stored on our website. Once we have become aware of a specific infringement of the law, we will immediately remove the content in question. Any liability concerning this matter can only be assumed from the point in time at which the infringement becomes known to us.

Limitation of liability for external links
Our website contains links to the websites of third parties (“external links”). As the content of these websites is not under our control, we cannot assume any liability for such external content. In all cases, the provider of information of the linked websites is liable for the content and accuracy of the information provided. At the point in time when the links were placed, no infringements of the law were recognisable to us. As soon as an infringement of the law becomes known to us, we will immediately remove the link in question.

The content and works published on this website are governed by the copyright laws of Germany. Any duplication, processing, distribution or any form of utilisation beyond the scope of copyright law shall require the prior written consent of the author or authors in question.

Data protection
A visit to our website can result in the storage on our server of information about the access (date, time, page accessed). This does not represent any analysis of personal data (e.g., name, address or e-mail address). If personal data are collected, this only occurs – to the extent possible – with the prior consent of the user of the website. Any forwarding of the data to third parties without the express consent of the user shall not take place.
We would like to expressly point out that the transmission of data via the Internet (e.g., by e-mail) can offer security vulnerabilities. It is therefore impossible to safeguard the data completely against access by third parties. We cannot assume any liability for damages arising as a result of such security vulnerabilities.
The use by third parties of all published contact details for the purpose of advertising is expressly excluded. We reserve the right to take legal steps in the case of the unsolicited sending of advertising information; e.g., by means of spam mail.


Hoos IT-Solutions
Heinrich-Bingemer-Weg 68
60388 Frankfurt am Main
+49 (6109) 69787-0

Management: Immanuel Hoos

Teams Chat with Helpdesk
+49 (6109) 69787-22
+49 (7724) 58645-22

Tax Number: 014 828 65804
VAT-No: DE248098704